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Mthabeleni ConsultantsMthabeleni ConsultantsMthabeleni Consultants


Posted time July 29, 2024 Location Pietermaritzburg Job type Full-time

Mthabeleni Consultants is a Civil Engineering Professional Consultants that provides Civil Engineering services. This company is based in Pietermaritzburg (KZN) and Polokwane (Limpopo Province). We are looking for a Design Engineer: Roads and Storm Water to be part of the Pietermaritzburg Team in KwaZulu-Natal. REQUIREMENTS Bsc Civil or B-Tech in Civil /Structural Engineering with ECSA…

Posted time March 12, 2023 Location Pietermaritzburg Job type 12 month Contract

Mthabeleni Consultants is a Professional Civil Engineering Consultant that provides Civil Engineering services. Thiscompany is based in Pietermaritzburg (KZN) and Polokwane (Limpopo Province). The trainee Civil Engineering Technicianrequired is for a fixed 12 months contract and should be from Kwazulu Natal. REQUIREMENTS A Civil Engineering student with S3/S4 level or 2nd year student looking for…


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)